"Develop your business"
Human Capital Solutions SRL, in its capacity as applicant, the Brasov Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Iasi County and the transnational partner Speedy Academy, in their capacity as partners, would like to invite you to the “Develop your business” conference which shall take place within the POSDRU project “Improving the management quality and the internal capacity of the enterprises by means of entrepreneurship”.
Evenimentul îsi propune informarea managerilor de IMM si antreprenorilor din Regiunea Bucuresti-Ilfov cu privire la bunele practici în conducerea unei afaceri.
Conferinta se va desfasura în data de 12.05.2011, la Hotel Novotel (Calea Victoriei nr. 37B), între orele 09:30 - 13:00.
Va rugam sa confirmati participarea dvs. la adresele de e-mail: dragos.cirneci@hcsolutions.ro, laura.stefan@adrbi.ro si mihaela.ispas@adrbi.ro, pâna la data de 06.05.2011, ora 14:00.