Regio – from plan to accomplishments – results after two years of activity in the Bucharest -Ilfov region

The Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (BIRDA) shall organize the conference “Regio – from plan to accomplishments. Results after two years of activity in the Bucharest- Ilfov region”, on December 8th, 2009, at the Intercontinental Hotel, Fortuna meeting room (21st floor).

In cadrul acestui eveniment vor fi prezentate si dezbatute provocarile, experientele si rezultatele implementarii Regio - Programul Operational Regional in Bucuresti Ilfov, precum si perspectiva solutiilor de finantare pentru actorii locali, potentiali beneficiari.

Confirmarea participarii se poate face prin fax la: 021.315.96.65/ 021.315.96.59, sau prin e-mail:, pana la data de 4 decembrie 2009.