Romanian-Turkish business forum

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Municipality of Bucharest (CCIB) shall organize a Romanian-Turkish business forum, which shall take place on July 28th 2010, at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce in Industry, Bihor room, as of 1:30 p.m.. Dowload the official invitation

In cadrul Forumului vor avea loc intalniri "business to business" intre firmele romanesti si cele turcesti, oferindu-se, astfel, ocazia antamarii unor noi contacte si potentiale parteneriate. Printre domeniile de activitate ale companiilor reprezentate in cadrul delegatiei Camerei de Comert si Industrie Trabzon se numara energia, constructiile si turismul. Descarca lista delega?iei (cu formulare de propunere de cooperare in afaceri)

Daca sunteti interesati sa participati la acest forum economic, va rugam sa contactati reprezentantul CCIB, dna Andreea Mihalcea, tel.: 021 311 6256 / 0731 361 563, fax: 021 319 2696, e-mail: