Signing of contracts in the Bucharest-Ilfov region
The Minister of Regional Development and Housing Ministrul, Vasile Blaga, signed on June 15th 2009, at the headquarters of the Ilfov County Council, the financing contracts for the projects of “Modernizing the road system on DJ (county road) 301B, DN3 - Manastirea Pasarea – Cozieni” and “Modernizing the road system on DJ (county road)100, section VI, Branesti – Calarasi county limit”.
Contractele semnate au o valoare totala insumata de 5.057.967,92 euro (2.226.116,52 euro, respectiv 2.831.851,40 euro) si sunt derulate prin Regio - Programul Operational Regional.
Persoana de contact: Claudia Ionescu, purtator de cuvant, sef Departament Promovare Regionala si Investitii - ADRBI
Tel: +40746 099 952