
  • Award announcement regarding the contract for purchasing computer services

    The Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency, having its quarters in Bucharest, 16-20 Calea Victoriei Street, District 3, fiscal code 11869530,, email:, would like to inform about the award of the contract for purchasing computer services – services allocated to booking the www domain (CPV 72417000-6), designing and hosting the site (72413000-8 and 72415000-2) and designing and hosting the web portal (72212220-7 and 72415000-2) within the financing contract POSDRU/90/2.1/S/61811.

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  • Call for purchasing audit services

    Public procurement call no. 7484/06.07.2011 for the purchase of financial auditing services (CPV Code: 79212100-4) The Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency, located in 163 Mihai Eminescu Street, postal code 020076, District 2, Bucharest, Romania, beneficiary of the non-reimbursable financing from POSDRU, co-financed by the European Social Fund, in accordance with contract no. POSDRU/90/2.1/S/61811, within the project called “Practice-the first step in your career” is publishing this announcement for the purchase of financial audit services (CPV Code: 79212100-4)

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