26.04.2010 – Business cooperation opportunities in Europe
During an event organized on April 26th 2010, in the Rapsodia conference room of the Intercontinental Hotel, we have presented the opportunities of business cooperation and technological transfer with the partners in Europe provided to the entrepreneurs in Arges, Calarasi, Dambovita, Giurgiu, Ialomita, Ilfov, Prahova, Teleorman Counties and to the Municipality of Bucharest by the PRO SME BISNET consortium
Prin intermediul acestui eveniment, ADRBI, al?turi de partenerii din consortiul PRO SME BISNET, a incurajat firmele din regiune sa beneficieze de aceste instrumente si sa foloseasca la maximum serviciile de cooperari in afaceri si transfer tehnologic oferite in mod gratuit.