Project presentation

Through the PRO SME BISNET project, carried out in the Muntenia South and the Bucharest-Ilfov regions, by a consortium of 5 partners, the two regions are connected to the pan-european network for supporting enterprises Enterprise Europe Network managed by the European Commission.

The European network comprises around 600 contact points in 45 countries and it is the biggest network that provides, beside the 3.000 employees with experience in the field, information and assistance services regarding European themes, that help the enterprises in developing the businesses on an European Level, increasing their own competiveness, in getting to know European programs and policies.

The services provided free of charge by the consortium to the potential beneficiaries in the Arges, Calarasi, Dambovita, Giurgiu, Ialomita, Ilfov, Prahova, Teleorman counties and the Municipality of Bucharest refer to:
- direct access to the latest information from the European Union which are of interest for the Romanian enterprises: community legislation and the manner in which it is applied in the Member States, European policies and programs in various fields, European tenders
- direct involvement in elaborating, amending and implementing the European legislation and in meetings regarding the impact on the business environment
- promoting Romanian business opportunities in the 45 countries by means of a high performance data base and direct link with the networks contact points
- supporting innovation by facilitating the transfer of know-how and of the latest technologies
- finding business partners and partners for participating within the European programs of research and development, assistance for participating to brokeraj events and business partnerships in the 45 countries

The partners of the PRO SME BISNET consortium that provide these services are:

1. The “Romain Center for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises” (RCSME) Foundation (leader)
20.Ion Campineanu Street, 010038 Bucharest
Phone no.: 021.311.19.95, fax no.: 021.312.69.66
Contact person: Cristian ORMINDEAN
Phone no.: 0722.222.789; e-mail:

2. Romanian Commercial Bank (BCR)
5 Regina Elisabeta boulevard, 030016 Bucharest
Phone no.: 021.312.61.85; fax no.: 021.313.12.46
Contact person: Stefania LUNGU
Phone no.: 0730.222.943; e-mail:

3. Romanian Association for Electronic Industry and Software (ARIES)
202A Splaiul Independentei, 060022 Bucharest
Phone no.: 021.313.41.20; fax no.: 021.315.07.23
Contact person: Alexandru BORCEA
Phone no.: 0722.664.148; e-mail:

4. The Polytechnical Univesity of Bucharest (UPB)
313Splaiul Independentei, 060042 Bucharest
Phone no.: 021.402.99.17, fax: 021.318.10.01
Contact person: Alexandru MARIN
Tel.: 0730.222.943 e-mail:

5. The Bucharest - Ilfov Regional Development Agency (BIRDA)
19 Leonida street, 020555 Bucharest,
Phone.: 021.315.96.59; fax: 021.315.96.65
Contact person: Ioan CIUPERCA
Phone no.: 021.313.80.99; e-mail: