Local public authorities

2007-2013 ROP  - KAI 2.1 Rehabilitating and modernizing the county roads, urban streets – including building / rehabilitating the ring roads
Grant value: RON 3,000,000 lei – 134,000,000 Contribution of the beneficiary: 2% Deadline: Open call for projects with continuous submission More information

2007-2013 ROP - KAI 3.1 Rehabilitating /modernizing/ equipping the infrastructure of health services
Grant value: RON 700,000 – 85,000,000 Contribution of the beneficiary: 2% Deadline: Open call for projects with continuous submission More information

2007-2013 ROP - KAI 3.2 Rehabilitating /modernizing / developing and equipping the social services infrastructure 
Grant value: RON 350,000 – 3,500,000  Contribution of the beneficiary: 2% Deadline: Open project call with continuous submission More information

2007-2013 ROP - KAI 3.3 Improving the endowment of the operational bases for emergency situations
Grant value: 10.000.000 lei - 50.000.000 lei. Contribution of the beneficiary: - Deadline: Open project call with continuous submission More information

2007-2013 ROP- KAI 4.1 Sustainable development of the support structures of business of regional and local importance
Grant value: RON 1,700,000 lei – 85,000,000 lei Contribution of the beneficiary: 50% Open project call with continuous submission More information

2007-2013 ROP- KAI 4.2 Rehabilitating the industrial polluted and unutilized sites and preparing them for new activities
Grant value: RON 1,700,000  - 85,000,000 Contribution of the beneficiary: 2% (stage A), 50% (stage B) Deadline: Open project call with continuous submission More information

2007-2013 ROP- KAI 5.1 Rehabilitation and sustainable capitalization of the cultural patrimony, as well as creating / modernization  of the related infrastructure
Grant value: RON 1,700,000 – 85,000,000 Contribution of the beneficiary: 2% Deadline: Open project call with continuous submission More information

2007-2013 ROP- KAI 5.2 Creating, developing and modernizing the specific infrastructure for the sustainable capitalization of the natural resources with touristic potential l
Grant value: RON 700,000 – 85,000,000 Contribution of the beneficiary: 2% Deadline: Open project call with continuous submission More information

2007-2013 ROP- KAI 5.3 Developing and consolidating the internal tourism by supporting the promotion of specific products and of the specific marketing activities
Grant value: RON170,000 – 1,000,000 Contribution of the beneficiary: 2% Deadline: Open project call with continuous submission More information

Environment SOP – Priority Axis 1 – Expanding and modernizing the water and waste water systems
Grant value: - Contribution of the beneficiary: 0% Deadline: Open call for projects with continuous submission More information

Environment SOP – Priority Axis 2, Sector for waste management / rehabilitation of the land historically polluted
Grant: minimum EUR 25 million Contribution of the beneficiary: minimum 2% Deadline: Open call for projects with continuous submission More information

Environment POS – Priority Axis 3 – Reducing the pollution and minimizing the effects of climate changes by rehabilitating the urban heating systems, focusing on reaching the emergency efficiency targets in the identified priority areas
Grant value: minimum EUR 25 million Euro Contribution of the beneficiary: minimum 5% Deadline: Open call for projects with continuous submission More information

SOP Increasing the Economic Competitiveness - Axis 4, KAI 4.2, Supporting the investments for modernizing and achieving new electricity and heat production capacities, by capitalizing the renewable energy resources
Grant value: maximum RON 80 million Contribution of the beneficiary: variable Deadline: April 30th 2010 More information

SOP Developing the Administrative Capacity – Request for project ideas for the key areas of intervention 1.1 “Improving the decision making process at the administrative and political level”, 1.2 “Increasing the responsibility of the public administration”, 1.3 “Improving the organizational efficiency”, 2.1 “Support for the services sector decentralization process”, 2.2 “Improving the quality and efficiency of supplying services”.
Grant value: - Contribution of the beneficiary: - Deadline: Continuous submission More information

Transportation SOP – Modernization and development of the TEN-T priority axes; Modernization and development of the national transportation networks, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development; Promoting railway, water and intermodal transportation; Supporting the development of sustainable transportation
Grant value: - Contribution of the beneficiary: - Deadline: not determined More information

The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Program (CIP)
Grant value: variable Contribution of the beneficiary: minimum 50% Deadline: June 1st 2010
More information

Financial instrument for civil protection – Preparation and prevention projects
Grant value: - Contribution of the beneficiary: - Deadline: March 31st 2010 More information

2007-2013 Culture, Component 1 – Supporting cultural projects
Grant value: EUR 2,000 – 500,000, depending on the component Contribution of the beneficiary: minimum 50% Deadline: Variable, depending on the component More information

2007-2013 Culture, Component 2 – Supporting the European cultural bodies
Grant value: 100,000 – 600,000 EUR/year Contribution of the beneficiary: minimum 20%  Deadline: November 1st of each year – for annual subsidies, November 1st for framework partnerships for 3 years with the European Commission More information

2007-2013 Culture, Component 3 – Supporting the information analysis, collection and dissemination activities, to maximize the impact of the projects in the field of cultural cooperation
Grant value: - Contribution of the beneficiary: - Deadline: - More information

The 2007-2013 Youth in Action Program
Grant value: The program has a general budget of EUR 885 million for the 2007-2013 period. The contribution of the beneficiary: - Deadline: Variable, in accordance with the project’s start-up date More information

2007-2013 Europe for citizens
Grant value: - Contribution of the beneficiary: - Deadline: Variable, depending on the measures which was taken More information

Media 2007
Grant value: - Contribution of the beneficiary: - Deadline: December 31st 2013 More information