The Programming Document of the Regional Operational Program is a strategic document which defines the context, objectives, structure, allocation of funds on priority axes, relevant bodies and internal procedures of the Regional Operational Program. It was negotiated with and approved by the European Commission.
The ROP framework implementation document (Complement Program) includes all the relevant details for the key areas of intervention of the ROP, as well as the amounts allocated to the projects, eligibility criteria for requesting financing, eligible projects.
The 2007-2013 National Development Plan represents the strategic planning and multiannual financial planning document, approved by the Government and elaborated in a large partnership which will orient the social and economic development of Romania in accordance with the Cohesion Policy of the European Union.
NDP represents the document based on which the 2007-2013 National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) was elaborated, representing the strategy agreed upon with the European Commission on utilizing structural instruments, as well as Operational Programs through which these funds shall be implemented.
The 2007-2013 National Strategic Reference Framework represents the strategic reference document for programming the Structural and Cohesion Funds in Romania. This type of document is prepared for each member state of the EU, in accordance with the new acquis on Cohesion Policy. This document explains the ammner in which the Structural Instruments shall be implemented in Romania in the 2007-2013 period.
- Summary of the National Strategic Reference Framework
- National Strategic Reference Framework approved by the European Commission – English
The 2007-2013 Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Plan represents the fundamental document regarding the need for financing from European funds and other international and national - regional funds, being the instrument through which the region is promoting its priorities and interests in the economic and social field, representing at the same time the contribution of the region for the elaboration of the National Development Plan. BIRDP comprises the economic and social analysis of the region, the SWOT and the regional strategy.